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Complete Online Sunday Worship Services

20th October 2024

Sunday Worship Service from International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message,  “Choices”,  is based on Judges 6 and is given by Andy Beery.
Music includes: "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Sign Posters); "As the Deer" (Nystrom); "Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend).  
Video "Zak the Taxman" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia   

13th October 2024

Sunday Worship Service from International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
Harvest Festival & 33rd Church Anniversary
The message,  “One Body, Many Parts”,  is based on Romans 12:1-8 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "We Plough the Fields and Scatter" (Scottish Festival Singers);
"If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees); "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick);
"The King is Among Us" (Classical Praise Quartet); "Tell Out, my Soul " (All Souls Choir & Orchestra).
Video "The Good Samaritan" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia   

6th October 2024

Sunday Worship Service from International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message,  "Lessons in Stewardship",  is based on Luke 12:35-48 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"The Wise Man built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Still Still with Thee"  (Erin Williams); "The King is among Us" (Classical Praise Quartet);
"Take my Life and Let it Be" (NYCYPCD).
Video "The Parable of the Unforgiving Lego Breaker" is used with kind permission
from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

29th September 2024

Sunday Worship & Communion Service from International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message,  "Watching and Waiting",  is based on Luke 12:35-40 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids);
"O Love that will not Let me Go" (Chris Rice); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir); "The Servant King" (Kendrick);
"Love Divine" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "Fish Loaf Lunch" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

22nd September 2024

Sunday Worship Service from International Christian Fellowship, Portimão, Portugal
The message,  "Moving on",  is based on Matthew 9:14-17 and is given by Robin Merrifield.
Music includes: "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids); "Be Still" (artist unknown); "Jesus put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax worship);
"Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend).
Video "Tina the Tree" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

15th September 2024

Sunday Worship Service from International Christian Fellowship, Portimão, Portugal
The message,  "In Times Like These",  is based on Jeremiah 18:1-12 and is given by Robin Merrifield.
Music includes: "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir):
"Bless the Lord,  My Soul" (Matt Redman); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers): "And Can it Be?" (Keswick).
Video "Peter the Fisherman" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

8th September 2024

Sunday Worship Service from International Christian Fellowship, Portimão, Portugal
The message,  "Problems and Priorities",  is based on Luke 12:22-34 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "To God be the Glory" (Keswick); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" (Spring Harvest);
"Seek ye First" (Studio Musicians); "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "Bob the Bird" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

1st September 2024

Sunday Worship Service from International Christian Fellowship, Portimão, Portugal
The message,  "The Problem of Greed",  is based on Luke 12:13-21 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick); "Praise, My Soul, the King of heaven" (Keswick);
"The Wise Man built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir); "Lord, You are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown).
Video "Preacher Duck" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

25 August 2024

Sunday Worship Service from the International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message,  "A String of Pearls",  is based on Luke 12:1-12 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Signposters); "Jesus, what a Beautiful Name" (Believe);
"Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);
"Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend).
Video "Cecil the Lost Sheep" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

18 August 2024

Sunday Worship Service from the International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message,  "Watch Out!",  is based on Luke 11:37-43 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Bless the Lord, O my Soul" (Matt Redman); "O Be Careful Little Eyes what See"(Cedarmont Kids);
Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "Take my Life and Let it Be" (NYCYPCD);
"Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers; "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick.)
Video "Through the Roof" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

11 August 2024

Sunday Worship Service from the International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "More Signs, or More Sight?" is based on Luke 11:29-36 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
"Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids);
"Lord, You are More Precious than Silver" (artist unknown); "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "Jonah and the Whale" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

4 August 2024

The message, entitled "Whose side are you on?" is based on Luke 11:14-28 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Shine Jesus Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers); "The Battle belongs to the Lord" (Keith Lancaster & the Acapella Choir);
"Onward Christian Soldiers" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
 Video "Echidnas on Everest" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

28 July 2024

The message, entitled "Talking to God" is based on Luke 11:1-13 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel &  Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"The Lord's my Shepherd" (Stuart Townend); "Jesus, what a Beautiful Name" (Believe);
"Our Father" (Scottish Festival Singers); "Seek ye First" (Studio Musicians);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "Cecil and Psalm 23" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

21 July 2024

July 21, 2024, Sunday Worship & Communion Service from the International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "Perspectives and Priorities" is based on Luke 10:38-42 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "For this I have Jesus" (Kendrick); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees); "And can it be?" (Keswick);
"Seek ye First" (Studio Musicians); "What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Thine be the Glory" (Keswick).
Video "Bob the Bird" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

14 July 2024

July 14, 2024, Sunday Worship Service from the International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "The Lord who Calls" is based on Exodus 3:1-15 and is given by Steve Wright from United Beach Missions.
Music includes: "How Great Thou Art" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Give Me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
"Fairest Lord Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Amazing Grace" (Stuart Townend and Keswick); "Tell Out My Soul" (All Souls Choir & Orchestra).
Video "Jesus & the Children" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

7 July 2024

Sunday Worship Service from the International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "Who is My Neighbour?" is based on Luke 10:25-37 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers);
"Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Love Divine" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "The Good Samaritan" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

30 June 2024

Sunday Worship Service from the International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "A Time to Rejoice" is based on Luke 10:1-12 & 17-24 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "Bess the Lord, O My Soul" (Matt Redman); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);
"Onward Christian Soldiers" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Jesus put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax worship);
"To God be the Glory" (Keswick).
Video "Jesus and the Storm" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

23 June 2024

Sunday Worship Service from the International Christian Fellowship Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "Sending out the Seventy" is based on Luke 10:1-16 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "The Lord's my Shepherd" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Sign Posters);
"Still, still with Thee" (Erin WIlliams); "The King is among us" (Clasical Praise Quartet); "Seek ye First" (Studio Musicians); "Take My Life and Let it Be" (NYCYPCD)
Video "Cecil, the Lost Sheep" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

16 June 2024

Sunday Worship & Communion Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal ]
The message, entitled "Lessons in Discipleship" is based on Luke 9:46-62 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "As the Deer" (Nystrom); "Oh be Careful Little Eyes " (Cedarmont Kids);
"Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward); "Come and Follow" (Don Francisco);
"Lord, you are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown); "Jesus, Good above all Other" (Wells Cathedral Choir); "Thine be the Glory" (Keswick).
Video "Cecil and Psalm 8" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

9 June 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message "Redefining Greatness" is based on Luke 9:37-48 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "The Lord's My Shepherd" (Stuart Townend); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands"
(The Jamborees); "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "Jesus and the Children" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

2 June 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal ]
The message "Gateway to Glory" is based on Luke 9:28-36 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "To God be the Glory" (Keswick); "If I were a Butterfly" (the Jamborees);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Above All" (Le Blanc);
"Be Still" (artist unknown); "Love Divine" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "Claudia the Caterpillar" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

26th May, 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal ]
The message "Who is Jesus?" is based on Luke 9:18-27 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "How Great Thou Art" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);  
"Jesus, What a Beautiful Name" (Believe); "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick);
"Make me a Channel of Your Peace" (The Celebration Choir).
Video "Basil & the Secateurs" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

12th May, 2024

Pentcost Sunday, 19th May, 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "The Holy Spirit: God's Gift to Us" is based on Acts 2:1-21 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "As the Deer Pants for the Water" (Nystrom); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
"Breathe on me, Breath of God" (Wordharmonic); "The King is among Us" (Classical Praise Quartet); "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "Bill the Brilliant Branch" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

12th May, 2024

Sunday Worship & Communion Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "Bread from Heaven" is based on Luke 9:10-17 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees); "Be Still" (artist unknown); "Meekness & Majesty" (Graham Kendrick);
"These are the Days of Elijah" (Robin Mark); "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "Fish Loaf Lunch" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

5th May, 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "Sent out to Serve" is based on Luke 9:1-10 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord" (Matt Redman); "Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Sign Posters);
"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);
"Seek ye First" (Music Makers); "To God be the Glory" (Keswick).
 Video "Basil the Branch" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

28th April, 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "God is all around" is based on Psalm 139 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brigton Diocesan with Ann Ward);
"O Be Careful Little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids); "Lord, You are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown);
"God is all Around" (One Voice Choir); "Still, still with Thee" (Erin Williams);
Video "Jonah and the Whale" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

21st April, 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "On Eagles' Wings" is based on Isaiah 40:12-31 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
"For the Joys and for the Sorrows" (Graham Kendrick); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "How Great Thou art" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "The Parable of the Ungrateful Lego Breaker" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

14th April, 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "A Prayer for Spiritual Strength" is based on Ephesians 3:14-21 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "Be Still" (artist unknown); "The Wise Man built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "The Love of Christ" (Believe); "Love Divine all Loves Excelling" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "Tina the Tree" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

7th April, 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "Peter and the God of the Second Chance" is based on Luke 22: 54-62 & John 21:15-25  and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes:  "These are the Days of Elijah" (Robin Mark);  "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Still, Still with Thee" (Erin Williams); "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
 "To God be the Glory" (Keswick).
Video "Peter and the big Breakfast" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

31st March 2024: Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "A Story of Hope Re-kindled" is based on Luke 24:1-35 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" (London Fox Choir);  "He's Alive" (Don Francisco);
"Led like a Lamb to the Slaughter" (Graham Kendrick); "Easter Song" (Second Chapter of Acts);
"And can it Be?" (Stuart Townend); "Thine be the Glory" (Keswick)  
Video "Mary & the Gardener" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

29th March 2024: Good Friday

A collection of hymns and Scripture readings taken from a harmony of the Gospel accounts of the trial and crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ,
followed by Communion.

Music includes " The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick); "O Lord, Your Tenderness/Such Love" (Graham Kendrick);
"How Deep the Father's Love for Us" (Stuart Townend); :Above All" (Leblanc); "Amazing Love" (Graham Kendrick);
"Via Dolorosa" (Sandi Patti); "Were you There?" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Behold the Lamb" (Stuart Townend);
"When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).

24th March 2024 : Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "The Triumphal Entry" is based on Matthew 21:1-11 and is given by Bev Ewen-Smith.
Music includes: "Make Way" (Andy Green & London Fox Singers); "Hosanna, Hosanna" (New Covenant Fellowship);
"King of Kings and Lord of Lords"" (Faith Alive);  "All Glory, Laud and Honour" (St Michael's Singers); "And Can it Be?" (Stuart Townend).
Video "Dave the Donkey" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

17th March 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "To Test, or to Trust" is based on Luke 4:1-13 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "All Things Bright and Beautiful"
(Coral Ideias do Levante, Lagoa with Grace Borgan); "For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick);
"Onward, Christian Soldiers" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "O Love that will not let me go" (Chris Rice).
 Video "Cecil and Psalm 8" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

10th March 2024

Sunday Worship & Communion Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "The King and His Kingdom" is based on Luke 4:1-13 and is given by Joy Borgan
Music includes "Our Father" (Scottish Festival Singers");  "The Wise Man built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"The King is among Us" (Classical Praise Quartet);  "Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);  
"The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick); "How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir).
Video "Jesus and the Storm" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

3rd March 2024

Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "Temptation and Testing," is based on Luke 4:1-13 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes: "Teach me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers);
"Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir) : "Seek Ye First" (Studio Musicians).  
Video "Fish Loaf Lunch" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

25th February 2024

[ Sunday Worship Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal ]
The message, entitled "Believing is Seeing" is based on Luke 18:35-43 and is given by Steve Wright.
Music includes " Be Still" (Artist unknown); "This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids);
"Jesus put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax Worship); "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" (Spring Harvest);
"Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend).
Video "The Lamp Stand" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

18th February 2024

Sunday Worship Service from the International Christian Fellowship, Portimao, Portugal
The message, entitled "How to Weather the Storms of Life" is based on Luke 6: 43-49 and is given by Joy Borgan
 Music includes " Teach me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick);  "If I were a Butterfly" ( The Jamborees);  "Still, Still with Thee" (Erin Williams);
"The Wise Man built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir); "Jesus, Good above all other" (Wells Cathedral Choir);
"O Love that will not let me go" (Chris Rice).
 Video "Basil and the Secateurs" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

11th February 2024

Sunday Worship Service from the International Christian Fellowship, Portimao, Portugal ]
The message, entitled "Don't Judge" is based on Luke 6:37-42 and is given by Joy Borgan
Music includes " Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Who put the Colours in the Rainbow" (The Sign Posters); "Jesus, what a Beautiful Name" (Believe);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend);
"Tell out, my Soul, the Greatness of the Lord" (All Souls Choir & Orchestra).
Video "The Good Samaritan" used with kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

4th February 2024

Sunday Worship & Communion Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "Love Your Enemies" is based on Luke 6:27-36 and is given by Joy Borgan
Music includes " Praise my Soul the King of Heaven" (Keswick), "Give me Oil in my Lamp",(Christian Youth Choir),
"The King is among us" (Classical Praise Quartet), "Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir",
 "Such Love"/"O Lord, Your Tenderness" (Graham Kendrick), "When I Survey" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir),
"Led like a Lamb to the Salughter" (Graham Kendrick).

Video "Tina the Tree" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep, Australia.

28th January 2024

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "A Kingdom Perspective" is based on Luke 6:12-26 and is given by Joy Borgan
Music includes " Blessed be the Name of the Lord " (Spring Harvest),  "He's got the Whole World in His Hands " (The Jamborees),
" The Lord's My Shepherd" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir),  "Our Father" (Scottish Festival Singers),  " Majesty "  (Studio Musicians),
" Seek ye First " (Studio Musicians).

"Video "Up in the Air " is  used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

21st January 2024

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "The Old vsThe New" is based on Luke 5:33-39 and is given by Joy Borgan
Music includes " As the Deer" (Nystrom); "Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Sign Posters);
"Fairest Lord Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Teach me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick);
"Jesus Put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax Worship).
Video "Jonah and the Whale" is used by kind permission from Pastor Rob Morgan,
Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia and Lost Sheep Australia.

14th January 2024

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message, entitled "The Power of Belief" is based on James 2:14-23 and is given by Maurice Franks.
Music includes "Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord" (Matt Redman); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"For This I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick).  
 Video "Webster, the Preacher Duck" is used by kind permission from Pastor Rob Morgan,
Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia and Lost Sheep Australia.

7th January 2024

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
The message entitled "The Promise of God's Presence" is based on Daniel 3:1-30 and is given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes " Lord for the Years" (All Souls' Choir & Orchestra); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);  
"The King is Among Us" (Classical Praise Quartet); " Be Still" (artist unknown); "Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick).
Video "The Moving Word", used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

31 December 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "A Lesson from the Wise Men" is based on Matthew 2:1-12 given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "The First Noel" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral); "Go Tell it on the Mountain" (Fox Children's Choir);
"See Amid the Winter's Snow" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral); "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);
We Three Kings" (Fox London Singers).  
Video "Tonight in the Palace" used by kind permission from Pastor Rob Morgan,
Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia and Lost Sheep, Australia.

25 December 2023 - Christmas Day

Christmas Day Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Meditation: "What's Christmas all about?" given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes " Christians Awake" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);
"See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw" (London Fox Singers & Wendy Green);
"Come and Join the Celebration" (Christmas Children's Choir);
"Away in a Manger" (Christmas Children's Choir); "Infant Holy" (Eden Symphony Orchestra); "O Come all ye Faithful".
Video "The Light" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada

24 December 2023

Christmas worship service with message entitled "Immanuel-God with Us", based on Matthew 1:18-25 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "Little Donkey" (Christmas Children's Choir); "Ding Dong Merrily on High" (Christmas Children's Choir);
"Breath of Heaven" (Sara Groves); "Thorn in the Straw" (Graham Kendrick); "The First Noel" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral).
Video "The Journey" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

17 December 2023

2023 Carol Online Service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Music includes "Once in Royal David's City" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);
"O Holy Night" (Fox Music Party Crew); "The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy" (Fox Music Party Crew);
"See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw" (London Fox Singers & Wendy Green);
"Away in a Manger" (Christmas Children's Choir);
" O Little Town of Bethlehem" (Maranatha Christmas).

10 December 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "Pictures of the Messiah Part 2" is based on Isaiah 11:1-9 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes " Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne" (Choir of Christ's College, Cambridge); "Thou who wast Rich" (Keith & Kristyn Getty); "Let all Mortal Flesh Keep Silent" (Red Mountain Church); "The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came" (Festival Choir and Hosanna Chorus); "Mary, Did you Know?" (Pentatonix).
Video "The Response", used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

3 December 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "Pictures of the Messiah" is based on Isaiah 7:14-17 & 9:2-7 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" (Maranatha Christmas); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); O Cme, O Come, Immanuel" (Bruce Bowes);
"Joy to the World" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral).  
Video "The Wait", used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

26 November 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "Through the Eyes of a Child" is based on Luke 18: 15-17 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "Teach Me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees); "Above All" (LeBLanc);
"Change My Heart, O God" (Music Makers); "Jesus put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax Worship)
Video "Jesus and the Children" is used by kind permission from Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia and Lost Sheep Australia.

19 November 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "A Tale of Two Sinners", based on Luke 18: 9-14 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brigton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
 "The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Fight the Good FIght" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "For this I have Jesus' (Graham Kendrick); "Knowing You' (Graham Kendrick).
Video "Big Little Acts" is used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

12 November 2023

'Remembrance Day' Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "The Squeaky Wheel," is based on Luke 17: 20-37 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "Arioso" by JS Bach (performed by David Kim); "To God be the Glory" (Keswick);
"If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees); "Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick);
"Jesus, what a Beautiful Name" (Believe); "What a Friend we Have in Jesus " (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "Remember" is used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

5 November 2023

 Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
 Message entitled "The Day of the Lord" is based on Luke 17: 20-37 and given by Joy Borgan.
 Music includes "As the Deer"(Nystrom); "He's Still Working on Me"'(The Wonder Kids); "Majesty"(Studio Musicians);
 "The KIng is Among Us"(Classical Praise Quartet); "Seek ye First"(Studio Musicians); "Blessed be Your Name"(Spring Harvest).
 Video "Parable of the Mustard Seed" is used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

29 October 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal ]
Message entitled "The Grateful Samaritan" is based on Luke 17: 11-19 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "O Be Careful Little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids);
"And Can it Be?" (Keswick); "Amazing Grace"(Stuart Townend at Keswick); "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas).
Video "Parable of the Leaven Bread" is used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

22 October 2023

 Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
 Message entitled "Stand Up!" is based on Daniel 4 and given by Andy Beery.
 Music includes "SIng of the Lord's Goodness"(Arundel & Brighton Dicesan with Anne Ward); Ïf I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Onward Christian Soldiers"(Treorchy MaleVoice Choir); "Knowing You"(Graham Kendrick)   
 Video "GPS" is used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

15 October 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "Stand Out!" is based on Daniel 1 and given by Andy Beery.
Music includes "Teach Me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);
"Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas"); "Make me a Channel of Your Peace" (The Celebration Choir");
"And Can it Be?" (Keswick).   
Video "The Parable of the Sower" is used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

8 October 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "God's Overflowing Goodness" is based on Psalm 65 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?"(The Sign Posters);
"Majesty" (Studio Musicians"); "We Plough the Fields and Scatter" (Scottish Festival Singers); "Lord, for the Years" (All Souls Choir and Orchestra).   
Video "Preparation" is used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

1 October 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "Let Your Light Shine" is based on Luke 8:16-21 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "Above All" (Leblanc); "Jesus put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax worship);
"How Great Thou Art" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); " Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick);
"This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids); 'Tell Out. My Soul" (All Souls Choir and Orchestra);
"How Deep the Father's Love for Us" (Stuart Townend).
Video "Echidnas on Everest" is used with kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia
and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

24 September 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "Bad News" is based on Nehemiah 1:1-11 and given by Robin Merrifield.
Music includes ""Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir) ; "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" (Spring Harvest);
"When Peace like a River" -Together for the Gospel Live" from Sovereign Grace Music (Bob Kauflin). ~ Pictures found in Creative Commons .
 Video "Tower of Babel" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

17 September 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal
Message entitled "From Tragedy to Triumph", is based on Luke 7: 11-17 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "As the Deer Pants for the Water" (Nystrom); "He's still Working on Me" (The Wonder Kids);
"Be Still"(artist unknown);  "For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick); "Thine be the Glory"(Keswick).
Video "Claudia the Caterpillar" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia
and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

10 September 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal with message entitled "A Faith that Pleases God", based on Luke 7: 1-10 and given by Joy Borgan.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness"(Keswick); "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?""(The Sign Posters);
"The Love of Christ"(Believe); "Onward, Christian Soldiers"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "Interview with Boaz" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

3 September 2023

 Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal with message entitled "Free at Last!", based on Luke 8: 26-39.
 Music includes " Sing of the Lord's Goodness"(Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward); "Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord"(Matt Redman);
"Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "The Battle Belongs to the Lord" (Keith Lancaster & the Acapella Company);
"Tell Out, My Soul"(All Souls Choir & Orchestra); "And Can it Be?"(Keswick).
 Video "Cecil the Lost Sheep" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

27 August 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal with message entitled "Peace in the Storm", based on Luke 8: 22-25.
Music includes "As the Deer" (Nystrom); "The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Be Still" (artist unknown); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "O Love, that will not let me go" (Chris Rice).
Video "Jonah and the Whale" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

20 August 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal with message entitled "The Sabbath: Blessing or Burden?", based on Luke 6:1-11
Music includes "Our Father"- Caribbean Lord's Prayer(Scottish Festival Singers); "This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids);
"Fairest Lord Jesus"(Singing Men of Texas); "Jesus, Good above all Other"(Wells Cathedral Choir); "Knowing You"(Graham Kendrick).
Video "The Man with Leprosy"used with kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

13 August 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimão, Portugal with message entitled "The Declaration of God's Character", based on Psalm 19.  
Music includes "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "He's got the whole wide World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
 "Lord, You are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown); "How Great Thou Art" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"All things Bright and Beautiful"(Coral Ideias de Levante, Lagoa with Grace Borgan on flute); "Love Divine all Loves Excelling"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "Claudia the Caterpillar"used with kind permission from Lost Sheep, Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

6 August 2023

Sunday worship service from ICF Portimao, Portugal with message entitled “ Healing for the Whole Person”, based on Luke 5:12-26.
Music includes: "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Dicoesan with Anne Ward);
"Be Bold, be Strong" (Kids'Party Crew); "Jesus, what a Beautiful Name" (Believe);
"The King is among Us"(Classical Praise Quartet); "He Touched Me" (Bill Gaither & Gaither Vocal Band); "To God be the Glory"(Keswick).
Video "Through the Roof" is used with kind permission from Lost Sheep, Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

30 July 2023

 Sunday worship service with Communion
 Message entitled "Don't Worry, Be Happy", is based on Psalm 37: 1-8 and given by Joy Borgan.  
 Music includes "Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless my Soul"(Matt Redman); "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?"(The Signposters);
"Blessed be the Name"(Spring Harvest); 'Be Still"(artist unknown); "Behold the Lamb"(Stuart Townend); "Knowing You"(Graham Kendrick).
 Video "Bob the Bird" is used with kind permission from Lost Sheep, Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

23 July 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Holding on in Faith", based on Luke 8:40-56.
Music includes "As the Deer Pants for the Water" (Nystrom); "Oh be Careful little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids);
"Love Divine, all Loves Excelling"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Lord, You are more Precious than Silver"(artist unknown);
"How Great Thour Art"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "Jesus and the Children" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

16 July 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Know Jesus, Know Life", based on John 1: 1-14 and given by Steve Wright from United Beach Missions.  
Music includes"Teach Me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick); "The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock (St John's Children's Choir);
"Fairest Lord Jesus"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest); "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick).

9 July 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "The Two Debtors", based on Luke 7: 36-50.
Music includes "Be Still" (artist unknown); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend);
"Amazing Love" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "The Parable of the Sower" used with kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

2 July 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Songs in the Night", based on Acts 16:16-3.
Music includes "Jesus, what  a Beautiful Name" (Believe); "Jesus Put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax Worship);
"For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick); "What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Troerchy Male Voice Choir); "And Can it Be?" (Keswick).
Video "The Leaven Bread" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

25 June 2023

Worship service from the International Christian Fellowship, Portimao, Portugal on June 25th.  
Message entitled "God, Diet Coke and Shih Tzu named Fluffy" is given by Andy Beery.  
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir); "Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick);
"Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers); "Make me a Channel of Your Peace" (The Celebration Choir).
Video "Building" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

18 June 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "On Eagles' Wings", based on Isaiah 40: 12-31.
Music includes "Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
"For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "How Great Thou Art" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "The Parable of the Ungrateful Lego-Breaker" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

11 June 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "No Painful Separation", based on Romans 8: 28-39.  
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees); "Love Divine" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"The Love of Christ" (Believe); "O Love that will not let me go" (Chris Rice).
Video "The Moving Word" used with kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

4 June 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "No Successful Opponents", based on Romans 8: 28-39.
Music includes "Jesus, What a Beautiful Name" (Believe); "The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock (St John's Children's Choir);
"How Deep the Father's Love for Us" (Stuart Townend); "And Can it Be?" (Keswick); "Amazing Love" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "Parable of the Two Daughters" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

28 May 2023

Worship service for Pentecost Sunday, with message entitled "The Holy Spirit  Comes at Pentecost", based on Acts 2: 1-21 and given by Bev Ewen-Smith.  
Music includes "Be Still for the Presence of the Lord"(artist unknown); "He's Still Working on Me" (The Wonder Kids);
"Breathe on Me, Breath of God"(Wordharmonic); "The King is Among Us" (Classical Praise Quartet); "Send Down the Tongues of Flame"(Bev Ewen-Smith).

Video "Spies"used with kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

21 May 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Lessons from the Master", based on John 21: 1-14 and given by Maurice Franks.  
Music includes"Teach me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (KIds' Party Crew); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians);
"Seek ye First" (Studio Musicians); "Take my Life and Let it Be" (NYCYPCD).
Video "Webster the Preacher Duck" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

14 May 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "No Wasted Experiences", based on Romans 8: 28-30
Music includes "And Can it Be?" (Keswick); "Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Sign Posters);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "O Love that will not Let Me Go" (Chris Rice); "Trust His Heart" (Babbie Mason).
Video "Claudia the Caterpillar" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep, Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church,  Nuriootpa, South Australia.

7 May 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Love Your Enemies" (part 2), based on Romans 12: 17-21.
Music includes "Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "He's Still Working on Me" (The Wonder Kids);
"Above All" (Leblanc); "Meekness and Majesty" (Graham Kendrick); "Make me a Channel of Your Peace" (The Celebration Choir).
Video "Echidnas on Everest" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

30 April 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Peter and the God of the Second Chance", based on Luke 22: 54-62 and John 21: 15-25.
Music includes: "These are the Days of Elijah" (Robin Mark); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
 "Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Still, still with Thee" (Erin Williams); "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "To God be the Glory" (Keswick).
Video "Peter and the Big Breakfast" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

23 April 2023

Sunday service with message entitled "Confirmation of their Calling", based on Luke 5: 1-11, John 21: 1-14.
Music includes "All Things Bright anb Beautiful" (Coral Ideais do Levante with Grace Borgan);
"Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir); "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick);
"Be Still" (artist unknown); "Come and Follow" (Don Francisco); "For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick).
VIdeo used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

16 April 2023

Sunday service with message entitled "The Disciples' Journey of Belief", based on Luke 24:36-46 and John 20: 24-31.  
Music includes "Teach me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick); "The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"As the Deer" (Nystrom); "Jesus put the Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax worship); "Be Still" (artist unknown); "O Love that will not let me go" (Chris Rice).
Video"Claudia the Caterpillar" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

Easter Sunday, 9 April 2023

Easter Sunday Service with message entitled "Three Witnesses of the Resurrection", based on Matthew 28:1-15.
Music includes "Easter Song" (Second Chapter of Acts); "Led like a Lamb" (Graham Kendrick);
"Jesus Christ is Risen Today" (London Fox Choir & St Michael's Singers); "He's Alive" (Don Francisco); "Thine be the Glory."
VIdeo "The Moving Word" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

Good Friday, 7 April 2023

Communion service with a harmony of the Gospel accounts of the trial and crucifixion of our Lord Jesus.  
Music includes "The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick); "O Lord, Such Tenderness/Such Love" (Graham Kendrick);
"How Deep the Father's Love for Us" (Stuart Townend);"Above All" (LeBlanc); " Amazing Love" (Stuart Townend);
 " Via Dolorosa" (Sandi Patti); "Were you there?" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Behold the Lamb" (Stuart Townend);
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).

Palm Sunday, 2 April, 2023

Worship service for Palm Sunday with message entitled "The Lord Needs It", based on Mark 11: 1-11.
Music includes  "Hosanna, Hosanna" (New Covenant Fellowship); "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" (Faith Alive);
"All Glory, Laud and Honour" (St Michael's Singers); "Make Way, Make Way" (Andy Green & London Fox SIngers):
"Meekness and Majesty" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "The Parable of the Leaven Bread" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

26 March 2023

Sunday service with Communion.  Message entitled "Love Your Enemies?" is based on Romans 12: 9-21.  
Music includes "Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick);"He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
"Make Me a Channel of Your Peace" (The Celebration Choir); "Love Divine" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Above All" (Leblanc); Thine be the Glory" (Keswick).
Video "The Mustard Seed" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

19 March 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Rest Well", based on Psalm 4 and given by Robin Merrifield.  Music includes "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "He's still Working on Me" (The Wonder Kids); "Lord, You are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown); "Still, Still with Thee" (Erin Williams); "Jesus, what a Beautiful Name" (Believe).  Video about Saul is used with kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

12 March 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Love: Harmonious and Humble", based on Romans 12: 9-21.
 Music includes "Above All" (Leblanc); "This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids); "Our Father" (Scottish Festival Singers);
"Jesus put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax worship); "And Can it be?" (Keswick with Stuart Townend).
Video "The Parable of the Hidden Treasure" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

5 March 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "A Love that Blesses, Rejoices and Weeps", based on Romans 12: 9-21.  
Music includes"If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees); "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward); "O Love that will not let me go" (Chris Rice);
"For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick).  
Video "GPS" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

26 February 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Love: Generous and Hospitable", based on Romans 12: 9-21.
Music includes "Amazing Grace" (Keswick, featuring Stuart Townend), "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow? (The Sign Posters");
"Praise to the Lord the Almighty" (Singing Men of Texas); "Be Still" (unknown artist); "When I needed a Neighbour".
Video "Spies" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

19 February 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Love: Joyful, Faithful, Prayerful" based on Romans 12:9-13.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick); "What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"The Lord's My Shepherd" (Festival of 1,000 Welsh Male Voices).
Video "The Two Daughters" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

12 February 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Love: Commiitted, Courteous and Keen", based on Romans 12: 9-21
Music includes "Love Divine, all Loves Excelling" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);
"Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "O Love that Will not Let Me Go" (Chris Rice), "To God be the Glory" (Keswick).  
Video about Ruth & Boaz used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

5 February 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Love: Sincere and Discerning", based on Romans 12: 9-21.
Music includes "The Lord's My Shepherd" (Stuart Townend); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
"Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward); "Breathe on me, Breath of God" (Wordharmonic);
"Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "The Tower of Babel" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

29 January 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "One Body; Many Parts", based on Romans 12: 1-8.
Music includes "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"All Things Bright and Beautiful" (Coral Ideais de Levante with Grace Borgan); "The King is Among Us" (Classical Praise Quartet);
"Onward Christian Soldiers" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video "The Parable of the Leaven Bread" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

22 January 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "How Then Shall We Live?", based on Romans 11: 33 to 12:2
Music includes "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes What You See" (Cedarmont Kids);
"Our Father"(Scottish Festival Singers); "Take My Life" (NYCYPCD); "The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "The Parable of the Unforgiving Lego Breaker" used by kind permissiom from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

15 January 2023

Worship service with message entitled "Ceremonies and Songs", based on Luke 2: 21-38.
Music includes "All Things Bright and Beautiful" (Coral Ideias de Levante with Grace Borgan);
"Oh be Careful Little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids); "How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir);
"Jesus, what a  Beautiful Name" (Believe); "Above All" (Leblanc); "Tell Out my Soul" (All Souls Choir & Orchestra).
Video "Up in the Air" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

8 January 2023

Sunday worship service with message entitled "The Promise of God's Presence", based on Daniel 3: 1-30.
Music includes "Lord, for the Years" (All Souls' Choir & Orchestra); "Be Still" (artist unknown); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);
"Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick).
Video "The Moving Word" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

1 January 2023

New Year's worship service with message entitled "The Story of the Kings", based on Matthew 2: 1-12
Music includes "The First Noel" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral); "Go, Tell it on the Mountain" (Fox Children's Choir);
"See amid the Winter's Snow" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);  "We Three Kings" (Fox London Singers);
"Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral).
Video "The Light" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

25 December 2022

Christmas Day service with message entitled "The Greatest Story Ever Told", based on Luke 2: 1-20.
Music includes "Christians Awake" (Choir of St Paul'sCathedral); "SeeHim Lying on  Bed of Straw" (The London Fox Singers & Wendy Fox);
"Come and Join the Celebration" (Christmas Children's Choir); "Away in a Manger"(Christmas Children's Choir); "Infant Holy)" (Eden Symphony Orchestra);
"O Come all ye Faithful" (Choir of Gloucester Cathedral).
Video "The Journey"  used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

18 December 2022

Christmas Carol Service for the Fourth Sunday in Advent.  Music includes "Once In Royal David's City" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);
"O Holy Night" (Fox Music Party Crew); "The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy" (Fox Music Party Crew);
"See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw" (London Fox Singers & Wendy Green); "Away in a Manger" (Christmas Children's Choir);
" O Little Town of Bethlehem" (Maranatha Christmas).  Poems included in the service are by Ken Edwards.

11 December 2022

Service for the Third Sunday in Advent with message entitled "Good News of Great Joy", based on Luke 1: 39-56.
  Music includes "Once in Royal David's City" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral); "Little Donkey" (Christmas Children's Choir);
"Ding Dong, Merrily on High" (Christmas Children's Choir): "Breath of Heaven" (Sara Groves ;"Tell Out, My Soul" (All Souls' Choir & Orchestra).
Video "The Response" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

4 December 2022

Worship service with Communion for the Second Sunday in Advent.  Message entitled "From Fear to Faith", based on Luke1:26-38.  
Music includes "Thou didst Leave Thy Thone" (Christ's College, Cambridge); "Thou Who Wast Rich" (Keith & Kristyn Getty);
"Let all Mortal Flesh Keep Silent" (Red Mountain Church); "The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came" (The Festival Choir);
"Mary did you Know?" (Pentatonix);"Thorn in the Straw" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "The Wait" used by permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta.

27 November 2022

Service for the First Sunday in Advent with message entitled "Pictures of the Messiah", based on Isaiah 7: 14-17 and Isaiah 9: 2-7.  
Music includes "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" (Maranatha Christmas); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "O Come, O Come Immanuel" (Bruce Bowes); "Joy to the World" (St Paul's Cathedral Choir).

20 November 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "LIght up this Christmas with Jesus", based on John 1: 1-14
and given by Steve Wright from United Beach Missions in UK.  
Music includes"Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Matt Redman);
 "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The SIgnposters);"Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas);
"Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend); "Light of the World" (Tim Hughes).
Video of United Beach Missions in Portimao in 2018 used by permission.

13 November 2022

Worship service for Remembrance Sunday on November 13th, 2022, with message entitled "Four Cautions in Christian Living", based on Luke 17: 1-10.
Music includes "How Great Thou Art"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "If I were a Butterfly"(The Jamborees); "Lord for the Years"(All Souls Choir & Orchestra);
"Great is Thy Faithfulness"(Keswick); "To God be the Glory."(Keswick).
Video "Cecil, the Lost Sheep"used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

6 November 2022

Worship service with message entitled "Who is the Rich Man?", based on Luke 16: 13-15, 19-31.
Music includes"Our Father- Carribean Lord's Prayer (Scottish Festival SIngers); "Change my Heart O God" (Music Makers);
"O Love that will not Let Me Go" (Chris Rice); "When I needed a Neighbour"; "Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "Zak, the Taxman" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep, Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

30 October 2022

Worship service with message entitled "Who is Your Master?", based on Luke 16: 10-13.  
Music includes "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
"Make me a Channel of Your Peace" (The Celebration Choir); "Lord, You are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown); "And Can it Be?" (Keswick).
Video "Jonah and the Whale" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep, Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

23 October 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "A Good Example from a Bad Character", based on Luke 16: 1-9.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
 "Above All" (TIm Hughes); "Seek ye First" (Studio Musicians); "Take My Life and Let it Be" (NYCYPCD).
Video "Bob the Bird" used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

16 October 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "What God Promises, God Delivers" given by Andy Beery and based on Romans 4.  
Music includes "Lord, for the Years" (All Souls Choir & Orchestra); "He's Still Working on Me" (Wonder Kids);
"We Plough the Fields and Scatter" (Scottish Festival SIngers); "All Things Bright and Beautiful" (Coral Ideias do Levante Lagoa with Grace Borgan on flute);
"Tell Out , My Soul" (All Souls Choir & Orchestra).  
Video "Basil the Branch" used by kind permission of Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, South Australia and Lost Sheep Ministries.

9 October 2022

Worship service with message entitled "The Origins of Christianity" given by Andy Beery.  
Music includes "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
 "Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Love Divine, all Loves Excelling" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"Tell Out, My Soul" (All Souls' Choir & Orchestra).
Video "Jesus and the Children" used by kind permission from Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia and Lost Sheep Ministries.

2 October 2022

Sunday worship service from the  International Christian Fellowship, Portimao, with message entitled " An Oratorio of Creation", based on Psalm 104.
Music includes "Who Put the  Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Signposters); "Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick);
"Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord O My Soul" (Matt Redman); "How Great Thou Art" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas).

25 September 2022

Sunday service with message entitled "Don't Worry, Be Happy", based on Psalm 37: 1-8.  
Music includes "Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);
"Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest); "Be Still" (artist unknown); "Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video on Psalm 1 used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

18 September 2022

Sunday service with message entitled "Rest Well", based on Psalm 4 and given by Robin Merrifield.  
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees); "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "Still, Still with Thee" (Erin Williams);
"Jesus, What a Wonderful Name" (Believe).  
Video about Saul used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

11 September 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Who is Listening?" given by Bev Ewen-Smith,
is based on Mark 6: 30-34, Acts 17: 22-28 and Jeremiah 31: 33-34.  
Music includes "Praise my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Oh be Careful Little Eyes"  (Cedarmont Kids);
"Lord, you are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians);
"Take my Life and Let it Be" (NYCYPCD); "Lord for the Years" (All Souls Choir & Orchestra).
Video on Ruth & Boaz used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

4 September 2022

Sunday worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "A Song of Suffering" is  based on Psalm 22.
Music includes"Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Sign Posters);
"For this I Have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick); "Above All" (Leblanc); "Behold the Lamb" (Stuart Townend); "Thine be the Glory" (Keswick).
"Bread Roll" video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

28 August 2022

Worship service with message entitled "Lost and Found", based on Luke 15: 8-32.
Music includes"Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord O My Soul"; "This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids);
"Praise to the Lord the Almighty" (Singing Men of Texas); "O Love that will not let me go" (Chris Rice); "Amazing Grace"  (Keswick with Stuart Townend).
Video "Up in the Air" used with kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

21 August 2022

Sunday service with message on "The Lost Sheep" based on Luke 15: 1-7
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward); "He's still Working on Me" (Wonder Kids);
 "The Lord's My Shepherd" (Stuart Townend); "The Lord's My Shepherd) (Festival of 1,000 Welsh Male Voices);
"Tell out, my Soul" (All Souls' Orchestra & Choir).
Video "Preparation" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Canada.  
Video "Cecil the Lost Sheep" used by kind permission from Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

14 August 2022

Worship service with message entitled "The Cost of Discipleship", based on Luke 14: 25-35.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Blessed be the Name of the Lord" (Spring Harvest); "The Battle Belongs to the Lord" (Keith Lancaster & the Accappella Choir);
"Seek ye First the Kingdom of God" (Studio Musicians); "The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick).
Video "Spies" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

7 August 2022

Sunday worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "Dinner's Ready!", based on Luke 14: 15-24
Music includes "Teach me to Dance"(Kendrick); "This Little Light of Mine (Clovercroft Kids);
"For this I have Jesus"(Kendrick); "Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend); "I Cannot Come to the Banquet" (Medical Mission Sisters);
"Love Divine"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Behold the Lamb" (Stuart Townend).

Video "Preparation" used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.
Video "I Cannot Come to the Banqet" used by kind permission from BJ's Corner.

31 July 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Food for Thought" based on Luke 14: 1-14.
Music includes "And can it be?" (Stuart Townend); "He's still working on me" (Wonder Kids);
"Lord, you are more precious than silver" (artist unknown); "These are the days of Elijah" (Robin Mark);
"Jesus, what a beautiful name" (Believe); "The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick).  
GPS video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold, Church of Hope, Canada.

24 July 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "On to Jerusalem...", based on Luke 13: 31-35.
Music includes "Our Father- Caribbean Lord's Prayer" (Scottish Festival Singers);
"Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir); "Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick);
"Amazing Love" (Graham Kendrick); "Above All" (Leblanc); "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
"Tower of Babel" video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

17 July 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Strive to Enter through the Narrow Gate", based on Luke 13: 22-30.
Music includes " Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless My Soul (Matt Redman), " Who put the Colours in the Rainbow" (The Signposters);
"Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "Jesus, what a beautiful Name" (Believe); "Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick).
 "Parable of the Mustard Seed" Video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

10 July 2022

Sunday Service with message entitled "Small Things with Big Results", based on Luke 13:18-21.
Music includes "The Lord's My Shepherd"(Stuart Townend); "Oh Be Careful Little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids);
"Onward, Christian Soldiers" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "As the Deep Pants for the Water" (Nystrom);
"Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God" (Studio Musicians); "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick).  
Children's video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Canada.

3 July 2022

Sunday service with Communion.  Message entitled "A Face in the Crowd" is based on Luke 13: 10-17.  
Music includes "Our Father- Caribbean Lord's Prayer" (Scottish Festival SIngers); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Be Still" (artist unknown); "He Touched Me" (Gaither Vocal Band);
"And Can it Be?" (Stuart Townend); "To God be the Glory" (Keswick).  
Video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

26 June 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Time for a U-Turn", based on Luke 13: 1-9.
Music includes "All Things Bright and Beautiful" (Coral Ideaias de Levante, Lagoa, Portugal with Grace Borgan on flute);
"Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Signposters); "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas);
"O Love that will not Let Me Go" (Chris Rice); "Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest).
Children's video used with kind permission from Brian Constantine, Church of Hope, Penhold, Canada.

19 June 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "God, Diet Coke and a Shih Tzu Named 'Fluffy'", based on Matthew 18: 21-35 and given by Andy Beery.  
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward); "The Wise Man built His House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers); "Make me a Channel of Your Peace" (The Celebration Choir).
Video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

12 June 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "God's Amazing Universe and Us", based on Psalm 8 and given by Bev Ewen-Smith.  
Music includes "Praise, my Soul,  the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "He's still working on Me" (Wonder Kids);  
"He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir).
Children's video used with kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Canada.

5 June 2022

Worship service for Pentecost Sunday 2022 with message entitled "The Holy Spirit: God's Gift to Us", based on Act 2:1-21.
Music includes "Be Still" (artist unknown); "Jesus put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax worship);
"Breathe on me, Breath of God" (Wordharmonic); "The King is among us" (Classical Praise Quartet)
"Shine Jesus Shine" (Graham Kendrick).
Children's video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

29 May 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "The Priority of Praise", based on 2 Chronicles 20: 1-30.  
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' party Crew); "The Lord's my Shepherd" (Festival of 1,000 Welsh Male Voices);
"Praise to the Lord the Almighty" (Singing Men of Texas); "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick).  
Video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

22 May 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled '"Preparing for Difficult Times", based on Luke 12: 49-59.
Music includes "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "Oh be Careful Little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids);
"For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick); "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Amazing Grace" (Recorded at Keswick with Stuart Townend).  
Video is used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

15 May 2022

Sunday worship service from the International Christian Fellowship in Portimao, Portugal.  Message entitled "Lessons in Stewardship" is based on Luke 12: 42-48.  
Music includes "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Still, Still with Thee" (Erin Williams); "The King is Among Us" (Classical Praise Quartet); "Take my Life and Let it Be" (NYCYPCD).  
Video used by kind permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

8 May 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "A Prayer for Spiritual Strength", based on Ephesians 3: 14-21.
Music includes "Teach Me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees) "And Can it Be?" (Stuart Townend);
"The Love of Christ" (Believe); "Love Divine" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia).

1 May 2022

Sunday worship service with Communion. Message is entitled "The God of Mercy and Lovingkindness" and is based on Psalm 51.
Music includes "How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir); "As the Deer" (Nystrom); "Kumbaya' (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"O Lord, Your Tenderness/Such Love" (Graham Kendrick); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers); "Amazing Grace (Keswick with Stuart Townend)";
"How Deep the Father's Love for us" (Stuart Townend).

24 April 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Confirmation of their Calling", based on John 21: 1-14.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "He's still working on me" (Wonder Kids);
"Our Father: Caribbean Lord's Prayer" (Scottish Festival Singers); "Be Still" (artist unknown);
"Come and Follow" (Don Francisco); "For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick).
Video used by kind permission from Pastor Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

17 April 2022

Easter Sunday service with message entitled "From Darkness to Dawn", based on John 20: 1-18
Music includes "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" (London Fox Choir & St Michael's Singers); "Easter Song" (Second Chapter of Acts);
"And Can it Be?" (Stuart Townend);  "Led like a Lamb to the Slaughter" (Graham Kendrick); "He's Alive" (Don Francisco); "Thine be the Glory" (Keswick).
Video used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia).

15 April 2022

Good Friday worship service with Communion. Bible readings are given from a Harmony of the Gospels on the theme of the trial and death of our Lord Jesus.  
Music includes "The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick); "O Lord, Your Tenderness/Such Love" (Graham Kendrick);
"How deep the Father's Love for us" (Stuart Townend); "Above all" (Leblanc); "Amazing Love" (Keswick with Stuart Townend);
"Via Dolorosa" (Sandi Patti); "Were you there?" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Behold the Lamb" (Stuart Townend);"When I Survery" (Morrison Orpheus Choir).

10 April 2022

Palm Sunday worship service with message entitled "Sovereignty and Suffering", based on Luke 19: 28-44.
Music includes "Make Way" (Andy Green & London Fox Singers); "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" (Faith Alive);
"Hosanna" (New Covenant Fellowship); "All Glory, Laud and Honour" (St Michael's Singers); "Meekness and Majesty" (Graham Kendrick).  
Video used with kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia).

3 April 2022

Sunday worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "Watching and Waiting" is based on Luke 12: 35-40
Music includes "Praise my Soul the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids);
"O Love that will not Let Me Go"; (Chris Rice); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
"The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick); "Love Divine" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, South Australia.)

27 March 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Problems and Priorities", based on Luke 12: 22-34.
Music includes "To God be the Glory" (Keswick); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (Wonder Kids);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" (Spring Harvest);
"Seek ye First the Kingdom of God" (Studio Musicians); "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick).  
Video used by kind permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia).

20 March 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "The Problem of Greed", based on Luke 12: 13-21.
Music includes "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick); "We Plough the Fields and Scatter" (Scottish Festival Singers);
"The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir); "Lord, You are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown).
Video used by permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia).

13 March 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "A String of Pearls", based on Luke 12: 1-12.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Signposters); "Jesus, what a Beautiful Name" (Believe);
"Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew); "Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend).
Video used with permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia).

6 March 2022

Worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "Six Warnings" is based on Luke 11: 37-54.
Music includes "Bless the Lord O my Soul" (Matt Redman); "Oh be Careful Little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "Take My Life and let it Be" (NYCYPCD)' "Change my Heart O God"(Music Makers)'
"Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick); "Thine be the Glory" (Keswick).
 Video used with permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia).

27 February 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "More Signs or More Sight?" based on Luke 11: 29-36.
Music includes "Praise my Soul the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids);
"Lord, You are More Precious than Silver (artist unknown); "Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet" (Amy Grant).
Video used with permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia).

20 February 2022

Sunday worship service with message entitled "Whose Side Are You On?" based on Luke 11:14-28.
Music includes "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Change My Heart O God" (Music Makers); "The Battle Belongs to the Lord" (Keith Lancaster & the Acapella Company);
"Seek ye First" (Studio Musicians); "Onward, Christian Soldiers" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video used with permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan (Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia).

13 February 2022

Worship service with message entitled "On Eagles' Wings", based on Isaiah 40: 12-31.
Music includes "As the Deer Pants for the Water" (Nystrom); "He Touched Me" (Gaither Vocal Band);
"The Lord's My Shepherd" (Stuart Townend); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "Power of Your Love" (Darlene Zschech);
"How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir).
Video used with permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

6 February 2022

Worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "Don't Worry...Be Happy" is based on Psalm 37: 1-8.
Music includes "Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
 "Our Father" - Caribbean Lord's Prayer (Scottish Festival Singers); " Be Still" (artist unknown);
"Behold the Lamb" (Stuart Townend); "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick).
Video used by permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

30 January 2022

Worship service with message entitled "A Refection as in a Mirror", based on 1 Corinthians 13 and given by Bev Ewen-Smith.  
Music includes "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Signposters);
"Make me a Channel of Your Peace" (The Celebration Choir); "Amazing Love" (Graham Kendrick);
"Love Divine" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Video used by permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

23 January, 2022

Sunday service with message entitled "The Declaration of God's Character", based on Psalm 19.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians);
"How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir);
"All Things Bright and Beautiful" (Coral Ideas de Levante Choir from Lagoa, Portugal accompanied by Grace Borgan on flute);
"Thy Word" (Amy Grant).  
Video used with permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

16 January, 2022

Worship service with message entitled "God is all Around", based on Psalm 139.
Music includes "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "He's Still Working on Me" (Wonder Kids);
"Lord, You are More Precious than Silver" (artist unknown);
"God is all around" (One Voice choir from Ouchita Baptist University, Ouachita, Arkansas USA);
"Still, Still with Thee" (Erin Williams). Bible story video used with permission from Lost Sheep Australia
and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

9 January, 2022

Sunday service with message entitled "Ceremonies and Songs", based on Luke 2: 21-38.
Music includes "In Christ Alone" (Keith & Kristyn Getty); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"Breathe on Me, Breath of God" (Wordharmonic); "Jesus, What a Beautiful Name" (Believe);
"There is a Redeemer" (Keith Green); "Tell Out, My Soul" (All Souls' Choir and Orchestra).
Bible story video used with permission from Pastor Rob Morgan, Barossa Uniting Church,
Nurioopta, South Australia and Lost Sheep Australia.


2 January, 2022

New Year's service with message entitled "The Story of the Kings", based on Matthew 2: 1-12.
Music includes "Come and Join the Celebration" (Children's Christmas Choir); "Away in a Manger" (Children's Christmas Choir);
"O Come all ye Faithful" (Choir of Gloucester Cathedral); "We Three Kings" (London Fox Singers);
"Hark, the Herald Angels Sing"(Choir of St Paul's Cathedral).
Video "Bethlehem Town" used with permission from Pastor Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep Australia.

26th December, 2021

Boxing Day Service with message entitled ""The Greatest Story Ever Told", based on Luke 2: 1-20.
Music includes "O Holy Night" (Fox Party Crew); "See amid the Winter's Snow"(Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);
"See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw" (London Fox Singers & Mary Green); The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy" (Fox Music Party Crew);
"What Child is this?"(Maranatha Classics); "The First Noel"(Choir of St Paul's Cathedral).

25th December, 2021

Christmas Day service with music including "Christians Awake"(Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);
"Come and Join the Celebration"(Christmas Children's Choir; "Away in a Manger"(Christmas Children's Choir);
"Infant Holy" (Eden Symphony Orchestra); "O Come all ye Faithful (Choir of Gloucester Cathedral).
Video "The Light" used with permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Canada.

19th December, 2021

Christmas Carol Service for the Fourth Sunday in Advent with carols, poems and Bible readings from around the world.
Music includes "Joy to the World"(Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);   "O Holy Night" (Fox Music Party Crew);  
"The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy"(Fox Music Party Crew);  "See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw" (London Fox Singers & Wendy Green);
"What Child is this?"(Maranatha Christmas); " O Little Town of Bethlehem" (Fox Music Party Crew).

12th December, 2021

Service for the Third Sunday in Advent with message entitled "A Picture of What is To Come", based on Luke 1: 57-80.
Music includes "Breath of Heaven" (Sara Groves); "Little Donkey" (Christmas Children's Choir);
"See amid the Winter's Snow" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral); "Infant Holy"(Eden Symphony Orchestra);
"Thorn in the Straw" (Graham Kendrick).  Advent video used with permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

5th December, 2021

Service for the Second Sunday in Advent with message entitled "Good News of Great Joy", based on Luke 1: 39-56.
Music includes "O Come, O Come Immanuel" (Bruce Bowes); "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" (Maranatha);
"Ding Dong Merrily on High" (Choir of St Paul's); "Joy to the World" (St Paul's Cathedral Choir); "Tell Out My Soul" (All Soul's Choir & Orchestra).
Advent video used with permission from Brian Constantine at Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

28th November, 2021

Service for the First Sunday in Advent with message entitled "From Fear to Faith", based on Luke 1: 26-38.  
Music includes "Thou didst leave Thy Throne" (Choir of Christ Church College, Cambridge);
"Thou who wast Rich"(Keith & Kristyn Getty); "Let all Mortal Flesh keep Silent" (Red Mountain Church);
"The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came" (Festival Choir at Christmas); "Mary, did you know?" (Pentatonix).
Advent video used with permission from Brian Constantine, Penhold Church of Hope, Canada.

21st November, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Dealing with Disappointment", based on Luke 1: 5-25.
Music includes "How Great is Our God"(ChrisTomlin); "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Signposters);
"O Love that will not let me go" (Chris Rice); "Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest);
"Breathe on me, Breath of God" (WordHarmonic); "For this I have Jesus" (Kendrick).
Video on Paul and Silas used with permission from Allison Trenholm, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

14th November, 2021

Worship service for Remembrance Sunday.  Message entitled "Talking to God" is based on Luke 11:1-13.
Music includes "Arioso" (featuring David Kim); "Above All" (Leblanc); "Thy Word is a Lamp unto My Feet" (Amy Grant);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Kendrick); "Our Father" (Scottish Festival Singers); "Seek ye first" (Studio Musicians);
"You Raise me up" (Josh Groban).
Illustrated Bible verse used with permission from Allison Trenholm, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.


7th November, 2021

Worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "Perspectives and Priorities" based on Luke 10:38-42.
Music includes "For this I have Jesus"(Kendrick); "IfI were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"And Can it Be?"(Stuart Townend):"Seek Ye First" (Studio Musicians);
"What a Friend we Have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "In Christ Alone" (Keith & Kristyn Getty).
Illustrated story "Bob the Bird" used with permission from Pastor Rob Morgan and Lost Sheep (Australia).

31st October, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Who is My Neighbour?"  based on Luke 10: 25-37.
Music includes"Blessing" (Laura Story); "He's still working on me" (Wonder Kids); "Praise my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick);
"Love Divine, all Loves Excelling" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "When I Needed a Neighbour".
Bible story video used with permission from Allison Trenholm from Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

24th October, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "A Time to Rejoice", based on Luke 10: 17-24.
Music includes "Jesus shall Reign" (Keith & Kristyn Getty); "Be Bold, be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);
"Onward Christian Soldiers"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "The Potter's Hand" (Darlene Zschech);
"To God be the Glory".  Bible story video used with permission from Allison Trenholm from Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

17th October, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Sending out the Seventy", based on Luke 10: 1-16.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir); "Still, still with Thee" (Erin Williams);
"The King is among us" (Classical Praise Quartet); "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God" (Studio Musicians);
"Take my Life and Let it Be" (NYCYPCD).  
Children's Bible story video used with permission from Allison Trenholm, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

10th October, 2021

Harvest Festival and 30th Church Anniversary with the theme "A Time to Give Thanks".  
Music includes "We Plough the Fields and Scatter" (Scottish Festival Singers);
"Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The SIgnposters) "How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir);
"To God be the Glory" (Keswick); "Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord" (Matt Redman);
 "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "Lord, for the Years" (Prom Praise with All Souls Orchestra).

3rd October, 2021

Worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "Lessons in DIscipleship," based on Luke 9: 49-62.
Music includes "The Power of Your Love" (Darlene Zschech); "Oh be Careful, Little Eyes" (Cedarmont Kids);
"Thy Word is a Lamp unto My Feet" (Amy Grant); "Come and Follow" (Don Francisco);  "Lord, You are More Precious than Silver" (artist unknown);
"Jesus, Good above all Other" (Wells Cathedral Choir); "Thine be the Glory" (Keswick).
Illustrated Bible story used with permission from Allison Trenholm, Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

26th September, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Redefining Greatness", based on Luke 9: 37-48.
Music includes "The Lord's My Shepherd" (Stuart Townend); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
"Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "When I Needed a Neighbour"; "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick). Illustrated Bible story "Jesus and the Kids" used by permission from Lost Sheep Australia and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, South Australia.

19th September, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Gateway to Glory", based on Luke 9:28-36.
Music includes "To God be the Glory" (Keswick); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Above All" (Leblanc);
"Be Still" (Artist unknown); "Love Divine" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).
Illustrated Bible story "Claudia the Caterpillar" used with permission from Pastor Rob Morgan
from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia and Lost Sheep Australia.

12th September, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Who is Jesus?" based on Luke 9: 18-27.
Music includes "Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest); "He's Still Working on Me" (Wonder Kids);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir);
"Jesus, What a Beautiful Name" (Believe); "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick);
"Make me a Channel of Your Peace" (Celebration Choir).  Children's video by Allison Trenholm from Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

5th September, 2021

Worship service with Communion.  Message is entitled "Bread from Heaven", based on Luke 9: 10-17.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir); "Be Still" (artist unknown); "Meekness and  Majesty";
"These are the Days of Elijah" (Robin Mark); "Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick).
Children's video made by Alison at Penhold Church of Hope, Alberta, Canada.

29th August, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "The Mission of the Twelve", based on Luke 9: 1-10.
Music includes "Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord" (Matt Redman); "Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The SIgnposters);
"Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers);
"Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew); "Seek Ye First" (Studio Musicians); "To God be the Glory" (Keswick).
Illustrated Bible story "Basil the Branch" used with permission from Lost Sheep Australia
and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church in Nuriootpa, South Australia.

22nd August, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Holding On In Faith", based on Luke 8: 40-56.
Music includes "As the Deer" (Nystrom); "Oh be Careful Little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids);
"Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "How Great is Our God" (Chris Tomlin);
"Gotta Tell Somebody" (Don Francisco; "Power of the Cross" (Keith & Kristyn Getty).
Illustrated Bible story "Jesus and the Children" used by permission from Lost Sheep Australia
and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

15th August, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Free at Last!", based on Luke 8:26-39.
Music includes "And Can it be?" (Stuart Townend); "Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord" (Matt Redman);
"Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir"; "In Heavenly Armour" (Keith Lancaster & the Acapella Company) ;
"Tell Out My Soul" (All Souls Choir & Orchestra). Illustrated Bible story "Cecil the Lost Sheep" used with permission from Lost Sheep, Australia
and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

8th August, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Peace in the Storm",  based on Luke 8: 22-25.
Music includes "Our Father" (Scottish Festival Singers); "The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir);
"Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "All things bright and beautiful" (Coral Ideas de Levante with Grace Borgan);
 "Be Still" (artist unknown); "Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "O Love that will not let me go" (Chris RIce).
Illustrated Bible story "Jonah and the Whale" used with permission from Lost Sheep, Australia
and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

1st August, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Let Your Light Shine!" based on Luke 8:16-21.
Music includes "Above All" (Leblanc); "Jesus Put this Song into Our Hearts" (Primotrax worship);
"How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir); "Shine Jesus Shine" (Graham Kendrick);
"This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids); "Light of the World" (Tim Hughes); "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" (Stuart Townend).
Illustrated Bible story "Echidnas on Everest" used with permission from Lost Sheep Australia
and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

25th July, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "The Parable of the Sower", based on Luke 8: 1-15.
Music includes "What a Friend we Have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers);  
"Praise my Soul the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Love Divine, all Loves Excelling" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"Power of Your Love" (Darlene Zschech); "Tell Out My Soul"(All Souls Choir & Orchestra).
Illustrated Bible story "Zak the Taxman" used with permission from Pastor Rob Morgan of Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia
and  Lost Sheep Australia.

18th July, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "The Two Debtors", based on Luke 7: 36-50.
Music includes "Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew);
"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah! (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Amazing Grace" (Keswick with Stuart Townend);
"Amazing Love" (Graham Kendrick).  
Illustrated Bible story "Through the Roof" used with permission from Lost Sheep, Australia
 and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

11th July, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "The King and His Herald" based on Luke 7:18-35.
Music includes "Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "He Touched Me" (Gaither Vocal Band);
"Be Still" (artist unknown) ; "These are the Days of Elijah" (Robin Mark)' "Trust His Heart" (Babbie Mason);
"And can it be?" (Stuart Townend).
Illustrated story "The Man with Leprosy" used with permission from Lost Sheep, Australia,
and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

4th July, 2021

Worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "From Tragedy to Triumph" based on Luke 7: 11-17.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Shout to the Lord" (Darlene Zschech); "Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick);
"For this I have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick); "Thine be the Glory" (Keswick);"Power of the Cross" (Keith & Kristyn Getty).
Illustrated story "Claudia the Caterpillar" used with permission from Lost Sheep and Pastor Rob Morgan from Barossa Uniting Church, Nuriootpa, South Australia.

27th June, 2021

Worship service from ICF Portimao with message entitled "A Faith that Pleases God", based on Luke 7: 1-10.  
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The SIgnposters);
"The Love of Christ" (Borders & Alexander); "Onward, Christian Soldiers" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir).

20th June, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "How to Weather the Storms of Life", based on Luke 6: 43-49.
Music includes "To God be the Glory"(Keswick); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees); "Still, still with Thee" (Erin Williams);
"The Wise Man Built his House upon the Rock" (St John's Children's Choir); "Jesus, Good above all Other" (Wells Cathedral Choir);
"O Love that will not let me go" (Chris Rice).

13th June, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Don't Judge", based on Luke 6: 37-42.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"He's still Working on Me" (Wonder Kids); "Jesus, what a Beautiful Name" (Believe);
"Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Amazing Grace" (recorded at Keswick with Stuart Townend);
 "Tell Out my Soul" (All Souls' Orchestra & Choir).

6th June, 2021

Worship service with Communion from the International Christian Fellowship, Portimao, with message entitled "Love your Enemies", based on Luke 6: 27-36.
Music includes"Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Give me Oil in my Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir); "The Power of Your Love" (Darlene Zschech);
"Light of the World" (Tim Hughes); "O Lord Your Tenderness/Such Love" (Graham Kendrick); "When I Survery" (Morrison Orpheus Choir); "Led like a Lamb" (Graham Kendrick).

30th May, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "A Kingdom Perspective", based on Luke 6: 12-26.
Music includes "Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
"The Lord's My Shepherd" (Festival of 1,000 Welsh Male Voices); "Our Father- Caribbean Lord's Prayer" (Scottish Festival SIngers);
"Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "Seek ye First the Kingdom of God" (Studio Musicians.)

23rd May, 2021

Worship service for Pentecost Sunday with message entitled "The Holy Spirit: God's GIft to Us", based on Acts 2.
Music includes "Be Still" (artist unknown); "Shout to the Lord" (Darlene Zschech);  "Take my Life and let it be" (NYCYPCD);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "The King is among us" (Classical Praise Quartet); "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick).

16th May, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "The Sabbath: Blessing or Burden?", based on Luke 6: 1-11.
Music includes "How Great is our God"(Chris Tomlin); "Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers);
"The Lord's my Shepherd"(Stuart Townend); "Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet"(Amy Grant);
"Love Divine, all Loves Excelling"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir).

9th May, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "The Old vs The New", based on Luke 5: 33-39.
Music includes "As the Deer Pants for the Water" (Nystrom); "He's still working on me" (Wonder Kids);
"The Potter's Hand" (Darlene Zschech); "Teach me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick);
 "Jesus put the Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax worship).

2nd May, 2021

Service of worship with Communion from ICF Portimao. Message entitled "Seeing through the Eyes of Jesus" based on Luke 5: 27-32.
Music includes"Fairest Lord Jesus" (Singing Men of Texas); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir); "Lord you are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown)
 "Knowing You" (Graham Kendrick); "Amazing Love" (Graham Kendrick).

25th April, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Healing for the Whole Person", based on Luke 5: 12-26.  
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids Party Crew); "The Power of Your Love" (Darlene Zschech);
"The King is Among Us" (Classical Praise Quartet); "He Touched Me" (Gaither Vocal Band);
"To God be the Glory" (Keswick).

18th April, 2021

Worship service at ICF Portimao with message entitled "A Call to Four Fishermen," based on Luke 5:1-11.
Music includes "TenThousand Reasons/Bless the Lord" (Matt Redman); "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The SIgnposters);
"Praise my soul the King of Heaven" (Keswick); "Blessed be the Name of the Lord" (Spring Harvest); "Come and Follow" (Don Francisco).

11th April, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "A Day in Capernaum", based on Luke 4: 31-44.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"Oh Be Careful Little Eyes what You See" (Cedarmont Kids); "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"Make me a Channel of Your Peace" (Celebration Choir); "Tell out My Soul" (All Souls Choir & Orchestra).

Easter Sunday Service-  4th April, 2021

Easter worship service from ICF Portimao with message entitled "A Story of Hope Re-Kindled", based on Luke 24.  
Music includes "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" (London Fox  Choir & St Michael's Singers); "He's Alive" (Don Francisco);
"Easter Song" (2nd Chapter of Acts); "And Can it Be?" (Stuart Townend); "In Christ Alone" (Keith & Kristyn Getty);
"Thine be the Glory" (Keswick).

Good Friday Service-  2nd April, 2021

A harmony of the Gospel accounts on the trial and crucifixion of our Lord Jesus.
Music includes "The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick);
"O Lord, Your Tenderness/Such Love" (Graham Kendrick with Nicki Rogers);
"There is a Redeemer" (Keith Green); "Above All" (Leblanc); "Amazing Love" (Graham Kendrick);
 "Via Dolorosa" (Sandi Patti); "Were you there?" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
 "Behold the Lamb" (Stuart Townend); "Power of the Cross" (Keith & Kristyn Getty).

28th March, 2021 (Palm Sunday)

Palm Sunday service from ICF Portimao, Portugal with message entitled "Sovereignty and Suffering" based on Luke 19: 28-44
Music includes "Make Way, Make Way" (Andy Green and London Fox Singers); "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" (Faith Alive);
"Hosanna, Hosanna" (New Covenant Fellowship); "All Glory, Laud and Honour" (St MIchael's Singers); "Meekness and Majesty" (Graham Kendrick)

21st March, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Can Anything Good Come From Nazareth?", based on Luke 4: 14-30.
Music includes "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The SIgnposters);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "Praise to the Lord the Almighty" (Singing Men of Texas);
"Be Still" (unknown artist); "Amazing Grace" (Stuart Townend).

14th March, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "To Test or To Trust?" based on Luke 4:1-13.
Music includes "Jesus Shall Reign" (Keith & Kristyn Getty); "This Little Light of Mine" (Clovercroft Kids);
"For This I Have Jesus" (Graham Kendrick);"Onward Christian Soldiers" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"O Love That Will Not Let Me Go" (Chris Rice).

7th March, 2021

Worship service with Communion from ICF Portimao. Message entitled "The King and His Kingdom" based on Luke 4:1-13.
Music includes "Caribbean Lord's Prayer" (Scottish Festival Singers); "He's got the Whole World in His Hands" (The Jamborees);
"The King is among us" (Classical Praise Quartet); "Fight the Good Fight" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"The Servant King" (Graham Kendrick); "How Great Thou Art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir).

28th February, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Tempation and Testing", based on Luke 4: 1-13.
Music includes "Teach me to Dance" (Graham Kendrick); "Give Me Oil in My Lamp" (Christian Youth Choir);
"Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "What a Friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"Seek ye First" (Studio Musicians).

21st February, 2021

Worship service from ICF Portimao with message entitled "When Heaven Speaks", based on Luke 3: 21-22
Music includes "My Jesus, my Saviour" (Darlene Zschech); "If I were a Butterfly" (The Jamborees);
"Still, still with Thee" (Erin Williams_; "These are the Days of Elijah" (Robin Mark); "Seek ye First"(Studio Musicians);
"Breathe on me, Breath of God" (Word Harmonic) ; "Fairest Lord Jesus"(Singing Men of Texas).

14th February, 2021

Worship service from ICF Portimao, Portugal with message entitled "Good News and Bad News".
Music includes "Love Divine, all Loves Excelling" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Crew);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick); "Take my Life and Let it Be" (NYCYPCD);
"Change my Heart, O God" (Music Makers); "The Potter's Hand" (Darlene Zschech).

7th February, 2021

Worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "Lost or Learning?" based on Luke 2: 41-52.
Music includes "To God be the Glory" (Keswick); "Who Put the Colours in the Rainbow? (The Signposters)";
"Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah"(Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Jesus Put this Song into our Hearts" (Primotrax worship);
"Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet" (Amy Grant); "How deep the Father's Love for us" (Stuart Townend).

31st January, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Growing in Grace", based on Luke 2:39-40.  
Music includes "Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord" (Matt Redman); "He's still working on me" (The Wonder Kids);
"The Lord's my Shepherd" (Festival of 1,000 Welsh Male Voices); "You Raise me Up" (Josh Groban);
"Meekness and Majesty" (Graham Kendrick); "Jesus, Good above all Other" (Wells Cathedral Choir).

24th January, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "Ceremonies and Songs", based on Luke 2:21-38.
Music includes "All Things Bright and Beautiful (Coral Ideas de Levante, Lagoa);
"Oh Be Careful Little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids); "Above All" (Michael W. Smith);
"Jesus, what a Beautiful Name" (Believe); "Tell out, my Soul" (All Souls Orchestra & Choir).

17th January, 2021

Worship service with message entitled "The Promise of God's Presence", based on Daniel chapter 3.  
Music includes "Lord for the Years" (All Souls Orchestra);  "Be Still" (Sound of Worship);
"Be Bold, Be Strong" (Kids' Party Crew); "Praise, my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick);
"Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick).

10th January, 2021

Worship service with Communion, and reflection on the theme "Jesus, the Light of the World".
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton diocese with Anne Ward);
"Thy Word" (Amy Grant);  "This Little Light of Mine" (Cloverleaf Kids);
"Shine, Jesus, Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "Light of the World" (Tim Hughes).

3rd January, 2021

Sunday service with message entitled "The Story of the Kings" based on Matthew 2:1-12
Music includes"Come and Join the Celebration" (Children's Christmas Choir); "Away in a Manger"(Children's Christmas Choir);
"O Come, all ye Faithful"; "Go, Tell it on the Mountain" (London Fox Children's Choir); "We Three Kings" (London Fox Singers); "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral).

27th December, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "The Greatest Story Ever Told", based on Luke 2: 1-20.
Music includes "O Holy Night" (Fox Music Party Crew); "See Amid the Winter's Snow"  (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);
"See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw" (The London Fox Singers & Wendy Green);
"What Child is This?" (Maranatha Classics); "The First Noel" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral.)

25th December, 2020

Christmas Day service from ICF Portimao, Portugal.
Music includes "Christians Awake" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral); "Come and Join the Celebration" (Christmas Children's Choir);
"Away in a Manger" (Christmas Children's Choir); "Infant Holy" (Eden Symphonhy Orchestra);
"O Come all ye Faithful" (Choir of Gloucester Cathedral).

20th December, 2020

Service for the Fourth Sunday in Advent with message entitled "Good News of Great Joy," based on Luke 1: 39-56.
Music includes "Once in Royal David's City"  (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);  "Little Donkey" (Christmas Children's Choir);
"Ding Dong Merrily on High" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral); "Breath of Heaven" (Sara Groves);
"Hark the Herald Angels Sing" (Choir of St Paul's Cathedral).

13th December, 2020

Christmas Carol Service with carols, poems and Bible readings from around the world.
Music includes "Joy to the World"(Choir of St Paul's Cathedral);   "O Holy Night" (Fox Music Party Crew);  
"The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy"(Fox Music Party Crew);  "See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw" (London Fox Singers & Wendy Green);
"What Child is this?"(Maranatha Christmas); " O Little Town of Bethlehem" (Fox Music Party Crew).

6th December, 2020

Service for the Second Sunday in Advent with message "From Fear to Faith" based on Luke 1: 26-38.
Music includes "Thou didst leave Thy Throne" (Choir from Christ Church College, Cambridge);
"Thou who was Rich" (Keith & Kristyn Getty);  "Let all Mortal Flesh Keep Silent" (Red Mountain Church);
"The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came" (Festival Choir at Christmas); "Mary, did You Know?" (Pentatonix);
"Thorn in the Straw" (Graham Kendrick).

29th November, 2020

Service for the first Sunday in Advent with message based on Isaiah 7 and 9.
Music includes "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus" (Maranatha); "He's got the Whole World in His hands" (The Jamborees);
"As the Deer Pants for the Water"(Nystrom); "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"(Bruce Bowes);  "Joy to the World" (St Paul's Cathedral Choir).

22nd November, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "What Kind of Soil are You?" based on Matthew 13:1-23.
Music includes "Jesus shall reign" (Keith & Kristyn Getty); "Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet" (Amy Grant);
"Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "Blessed be Your Name" (Spring Harvest);
"Amazing Grace" (Keith & Kristyn Getty).

15th November, 2020

Harvest Festival and 29th Church Anniversary at ICF Portimao, Portugal.
Message entitled "God's Overflowing Goodness", based on Psalm 65.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (sung at Keswick Convention); "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?" (The Sign Posters);
"Majesty" (Studio Musicians); "We Plough the Fields and Scatter" (Scottish Festival Singers);
"Lord, for the Years" (Prom Praise from All Souls Orchestra).

8th November, 2020

Remembrance Day service from ICF Portimao, Portugal on November 8th, 2020.
Service includes a message on how to treat our enemies, based on Romans 12:18-21 (part 8 of the series on Practical Christianity).
Music includes "As the Deer Pants for the Water" (Nystrom); "O be Careful Little Eyes what you See" (Cedarmont Kids);
"Fairest Lord Jesus" (arranged & sung by Singing Men of Texas); "Meekness & Majesty"(written & sung by Graham Kendrick);
"Make me a Channel of your Peace" (The Celebration Choir).

1st November, 2020

Communion service with message entitled "Practical Christianity" (part 7), based on Romans 12:17.
Music includes "Praise my Soul the King of Heaven" (sung at Keswick);"He's got the whole world in His Hands" (sung by the Jamborees);
"Still, still with Thee" (sung by Erin WIlliams); "Love Divine" (sung by Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"Above All" (Leblanc); and "Thine be the Glory" (sung at Keswick).

25th October, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "Practical Christianity" (part 6), based on Romans 12:16.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (sung by Arundel & Brighton Diocesan with Anne Ward);
"Give me oil in my Lamp" (sung by Christian Youth Choir); "Fight the Good Fight" (sung by Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
 "Jesus put this song into our hearts" (written by Graham Kendrick); "And can it be" (sung by Stuart Townend).

18th October, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "Practical Christianity" (part 5), based on Romans 12:14-15.
Music includes "Shine Jesus Shine (written & sung by Graham Kendrick); "If I were a Butterfly" (sung by the Jamborees);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (written & sung by Graham Kendrick); "O Love that will not let me go" (sung by Chris Rice);
and "For this I have Jesus" (writen & sung by Graham Kendrick).

11th October, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "Practical Christianity" (part 4), based on Romans 12:13.
Music includes "Amazing Grace" (recorded at Keswick, featuring Stuart Townend), "Who put the Colours in the Rainbow? (sung by The Sign Posters");
"Praise to the Lord the Almighty" (arranged & sung by the Singing Men of Texas);
"Be Still" (unknown artist on the Sound of Worship); "When I needed a Neighbour".

4th October, 2020

Worship service with Communion. Message entitled "Practical Christianity" (part 3), based on Romans 12:12.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "O be careful little eyes what you see" (Cedarmont Kids);
"What a friend we have in Jesus" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir); "For this I have Jesus" (written & sung by Graham Kendrick);
 "Power of the Cross" (written & sung by Keith & Kristyn Getty); "In Christ alone" (written & sung by Keith & Kristyn Getty).

27th September, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "Practical Christianity" part 2, based on Romans 12:10-11.
Music includes "The Power of your Love" (written & sung by Darlene Zschech); "He's got the whole world in His hands" (sung by the Jamborees);
"Fairest Lord Jesus" (arranged & sung by Singing Men of Texas);"As the Deer pants for the Water" (Nystrom);
and "To God be the Glory" recorded by Keswick Praise.

20th September, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "Practical Christianity" part 1, based on Romans 12:9.
Music includes "The Lord's my Shepherd" (written & sung by Stuart Townend); "Give me oil in my Lamp" (sung by the Christian Youth Choir);
"Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (sung by the Arundel & Brighton Diocesan & Anne Ward);
"Breathe on me, breath of God" (by WordHarmonic); "Knowing You" (written & sung by Graham Kendrick.)

13th September, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "One Body-Many Parts", based on Romans 12:3-8.  
Music includes "Shine, Jesus, Shine" (written & sung by Graham Kendrick); "If I were a Butterfly" (sung by the Jamborees);
"All things bright and beautiful" (sung by Coral Ideas de Levante in Lagoa, Portugal & accompanied by Grace Borgan on flute);
"The King is among us" (performed by Classical Praise Quartet); "Onward, Christian Soldiers" (sung by Treorchy Male Voice Choir).

6th September, 2020

Worship service with Communion.  Message entitled "How then shall we live?", based on Romans 12: 1-2.
Music includes  "Majesty"(sung by Studio Musicians); "Oh be careful little eyes what you see" (sung by Cedarmont Kids);
Our Father"- Caribbean Lord's Prayer (sung by the Scottish Festival SIngers; "Take my life and let it be" (sung by NYCYPCD) ;
"The Servant King (written & sung by Graham Kendrick); "When I survey" (sung by the Morrison Orpheus Choir).

30th August, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "No Painful Separation", based on Romans 8:35-39.
Music includes "Teach me to Dance" (written & sung by Graham Kendrick); "Love Divine" (sung by the Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"The Love of Christ"  (Borders & Alexander); and "O Love that will not let me go " (sung by Chris Rice).

23rd August, 2020

Worship service with message entitled "No Successful Opponents," based on Romans 8: 31-34.  
Music includes "All Things Bright and Beautiful" (sung by Coral Ideas de Levante in Lagoa, Portugal and accompanied on flute by Grace Borgan);
"How Deep the Father's Love for Us" (written & sung by Stuart Townend); "And can it be?" (sung by Stuart Townend);
"Amazing Love" (written & sung by Graham Kendrick).

16th August, 2020

Message entitled "No Wasted Experiences", based on Romans 8:28-30.
Music includes "Great is Thy Faithfulness" (Keswick); "For this I have Jesus" (written and sung by Graham Kendrick);
"Power of Your Love" (written and sung by Darlene Zschech); and "Trust His Heart" (written and sung by Babbie Mason).

9th August, 2020

Message entitled "God is all around," based on Psalm 139.  
Music includes "Fairest Lord Jesus" (sung by the SInging Men of Texas);
"Beauty for Brokenness" (written & sung by Graham Kendrick;
"God is all around" (sung by One Voice, a chorale from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas);
"Still, Still with Thee" (sung by Erin WIlliams).

2nd August, 2020

Communion service with message entitled "Don't worry, be happy," based on Psalm 37:1-8.
Music includes "How Great Thou Art" (sung by Morrison Orpheus Choir); "Blessed be Your Name" (sung at Spring Harvest);
"Be still for the Presence of the Lord" (artist unknown); Behold the Lamb (Stuart Townend); "Knowing You"(Graham Kendrick).

26th July, 2020

Message entitled "Lost and Found," based on Luke 15.
Music includes "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" (arranged & sung by The Centurymen); "The Potter's Hand" (written & sung by Darlene Zschech);
"The Lord's my Shepherd" (sung by Festival of 1,000 Welsh Male Voices); "Love Divine" (sung by Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"Amazing Grace" (from Keswick Convention, featuring Stuart Townend).

19th July, 2020

Message entitled "Talking to God," based on Luke 11: 1-13.
 Music includes "Our Father" (Caribbean Lord's Prayer) sung by the Scottish Festival Singers; "Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet" sung by Amy Grant;
"Ten Thousand Reasons/Bless the Lord" written and sung by Matt Redman; "Seek ye First"sung by the Studio Musicians;
"What a Friend we have in Jesus" sung by the Treorchy Male Voice Choir.

12th July, 2020

Message entitled "A Prayer for Spiritual Strength," based on Ephesians 3.
Music includes "Shout to the Lord" (Darlene Zschech); "And Can it be?" sung by Stuart Townend; "The Love of Christ" (Borders& Alexander);
"Love Divine, all Loves Excelling", sung by Treorchy Male Voice Choir.

5th July, 2020  (Communion service)

Messsage entitled "The God of Mercy and Lovingkindness," based on Psalm 51
Music includes "Light of the World" (Tim Hughes); "As the Deer Pants for the Water" (Nystrom); "Kumbaya" (Treorchy Male Voice Choir);
"O Lord, Your Tenderness/Such Love (Graham Kendrick & Nicki Rogers);
" Power of Your Love (Darlene Zschech); "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" (Stuart Townend).

28th June, 2020

Message entitled "The Declaration of God's Character," based on Psalm 19.
Music includes  "Praise my Soul, the King of Heaven" (Keswick Praise); "Jesus shall Reign"(Keith & Kristyn Getty);
"Lord, You are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown);"All things Bright and Beautiful" (sung by Coral Ideas do Levante from Lagoa, Algarve, Portugal,
 and accompanied on flute by Grace Borgan); "Thy Word  is a Lamp unto my Feet" (sung by Amy Grant).

21st June, 2020

Message entitled "Soldiers for the Lord," based on Ephesians 6.
Music includes "Blessed be your Name" (sung at Spring Harvest); "For this I have Jesus" (written and sung by Graham Kendrick);
"The Battle belongs to the Lord" sung by Keith Lancaster and Acapella Company;
"Fight the Good Fight" and "Onward Christian Soldiers" (both sung by Treorchy Male Voice Choir).

14th June, 2020

Message entitled "Stings, Bites and their Remedies," based on Numbers 21 & John 3.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocese); "Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick);
"Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Morrison Orpheus Choir);
"Light of the World" (Tim Hughes); "Thine be the Glory (Keswick Praise).

7th June, 2020

Messge entitled "What is Life?" based on James 4 & Luke 12.
Music includes"Shine Jesus Shine" (Graham Kendrick); "How Great Thou art" (Morrison Orpheus Choir);
Bless the Lord (Matt Redman); "Seek ye First" (Studio Musicians);
"Lord you are more Precious than Silver" (artist unknown).

31st May, 2020 (Pentecost Sunday)

Message entitled "The Holy Spirit: God's Gift to Us,"  based on Acts 2.
Music includes "These are the Days of Elijah" sung by Robin Mark; "Guide me O Thou great Jehovah" sung by the Treorchy Male Voice Choir;
"Breathe on me, Breath of God" sung by Wordharmonic;
"The Potter's Hand", written and sung by Darlene Zschech.

24th May, 2020  (Communion service)

Message entitled "A Song of Suffering," based on Psalm 22.
Music includes "Above All" (sung by Lenny Leblanc); "O Lord, Your Tenderness/Such Love" (sung by Graham Kendrick & Nicki Rogers);
"Behold the Lamb" (sung by Stuart Townend);
"When I Survery" (sung by Morrison Orpheus Choir).

17th May, 2020

Message entitled "An Oratorio of Creation," based on Psalm 104.
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness"(Arundel & Brighton Diocese), "Praise my Soul the King of Heaven"(Keswick),
"How Great is Our God" (Chris Tomlin) and
"Fairest Lord Jesus" (arranged and sung by the Singing Men of Texas).

10th May, 2020

Message entitled "On Eagles' Wings," based on Isaiah 40.
Music includes "Jesus shall reign" by Keith & Kristyn Getty; "Majesty"; "The Power of Your Love" sung by Darlene Zschech;
and "How Great Thou art" sung by the Morrison Orpheus Choir.

3rd May, 2020

Message entitled "Songs in the Night," based on Acts 16.
Music includes "For this I have Jesus" written and sung by Graham Kendrick'; "You raise me up" sung by Josh Groban;
"And can it be?"" sung by Stuart Townend; "Blessings"written and sung by Laura Story.

26th April, 2020

Message entitled "The Priority of Praise," based on 2 Chronicles 20.
Music includes"Teach me to Dance" written & sung by Graham Kendrick; "The Lord's my Shepherd' sung at the Festival of 1,000 Welsh Male Voices;";
"Light of the World/Here I am to Worship" sung by Tim Hughes; "Great is Thy Faithfulness" recorded live at the Keswick Convention.

19th April, 2020

Message entitled "How to Escape from Prison," based on Psam 103.
Music includes "Blessed Your name" recorded at Spring Harvest, "Ten Thousand Reasons" written and sung by Matt Redman,
"Shout to the Lord" written and sung by Darlene Zschech,
and "Praise my soul the King of Heaven" recorded at Keswick.

12th April, 2020  (Easter Sunday)

Message entitled "From Darkness to Dawn," based on John 20.
Music includes "In Christ alone" and "The Power of the Cross," both performed by Keith & Kristyn Getty, "He's alive" by Don Francisco
and "Thine be the glory"  from Keswick Praise.

5th April, 2020  (Palm Sunday)

Message entitled "Sovereignty and Suffering," based on Matthew 21.
Music includes "Meekness and Majesty" and "The Servant King," both written and sung by Graham Kendrick.

29th March, 2020

Message entitled "God's Promise of Hope", based on Jeremiah 29.
Music includes "You raise me up" sung by Josh Groban

22nd March, 2020.  

Message entitled "An Attitide of Gratitude," based on 1 Thessalonians 5, Psalm 100, Philippians 4 & Colossians 3.
Music includes "Shout to the Lord" by Darlene Zschech.

15th March, 2020

Message entitled "The Loving Protection of God," based on Psalm 91.
Music includes "In Heavenly Love Abiding".